Sunday, March 28, 2010

Key to Delicious Simple Chinese Food

My 3 months experience of cooking teaches me that, one of the keys to successfully delicious dish is, Marinate the meat. If you marinate the meat well, I would say that, you can guarantee that the dish is definitely nice, or at least, edible.

Let's say you want to make black pepper chicken/beef, cashew chicken, BBQ pork, etc, normally you need to marinate the meats first, to let the tastes and ingredients are absorbed by the meats.

So, what you need to prepare for basic marinating is:
1. Light soy sauce
2. Dark soy sauce
3. Black Pepper/Pepper
4. Corn Flour

Like this...

How you marinate is basically pouring all those ingredients on the meats, and mix all of them together. How much of the ingredients to use, is totally up to you and the amount of meat you want to cook. I like it a little sweet, so I will use the dark soy sauce slightly more than the light soy sauce. Black pepper is normally the last to mix (after light and dark soy sauce).

After marinating the meat, just let it be, for at least half an hour, then only you cook them.

Easy right? =)

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